Incorta and Workday Adaptive Planning

Bring exceptional precision to plans and forecasts with complete visibility to transactional details of complex enterprise data.


A transactional view of data from every corner of the business

incorta and workday and second diagram.

Make FP&A more predictive and proactive​

Eliminate guesswork and hunting for data with instant access to the latest actuals to quickly adjust forecasts and align scenario plans. ​

Quickly and easily identify the key drivers that impact your forecasts and budgets with visibility to all your financial and operational data, not just aggregations and top-level metrics. ​

Bring together data from inventory, workforce, supply chain and ERP systems for a complete view of financial and operational data that is instantly available to Workday Adaptive Planning users for analysis. ​

Enhance the accuracy of your advanced analytics capabilities with complete, detailed datasets to train, tune and deploy your AI/ML models. Quickly surface potential risks and uncover new opportunities on billions of records, saving FP&A leaders valuable time and eliminating time-consuming, manual research of data at scale.

Drill in any direction into rich, fine-grain data to analyze and identify anomalies, trends and operational bottlenecks that introduce risks and uncertainty into the forecasting and planning processes that works with your existing security and governance framework.

The combination of Workday Adaptive with Incorta gives our company the ability to access hyper-granular data in seconds from any device. This not only gives us access to data to make smarter decisions but also allows our employees to be more efficient with their time. The productivity shift is enormous. It’s giving our entire organization easy access to live data without having to ask for it. It’s almost immeasurable.

Matt Madej, SVP FP&A and Asset Management | Yes Communities